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Tropical Focus partners with Woven Foundation and Mama Hope to deliver pragmatic programming for improvement of the lives of under-privileged families in Kenya. Tropical Focus has benefitted on capacity building, funding and resource mobilization these partnerships.
Tropical Focus has previously partnered with Aids Health Care Foundation to address emergency needs of families during the peak Covid 19 epidemic. Families were supported with emergency food rations, hand washing materials and equipment, face masks, rain harvesting water tanks as well as awareness and sensitization messages on control and prevention of Covid 19.


Organizations in East Africa 

Tropical Focus is an active member of Community of Practice (COP) collaboration of 9 grassroots organizations that are supported by Woven Foundation. The organizations, Our Lady of Perpetual Support (OLPS), Kisumu, Kenya; Friends of orphans in Pader, Uganda; Beso (Bugerere) Education Support Organization) Foundation in Kayunga in Uganda; Hope of Family in Muhanga in Rwanda; Peace Education in Kayonza in Rwanda, Dorcas Consolation Family in Rwanda, KULA Project in Rwanda and ViGloj (Vision Globale D'orientation Des jeunes) in Northern Kivu in DRC, regularly conducts meetings, conferences and gatherings for sharing of experiences, lessons learnt, innovation and challenges.
Tropical Focus also maintains strong collaborations with Nyamam International in Kisumu, Kenya; Riley Orton Foundation in Kisumu, Kenya and BioIntensive Gardening Innovations (BioGI) in Vihiga, Kenya. Tropical Focus is subscribed with Opportunity Collaboration 365 (OC 365) in 2024.


Key Government institutions in Kenya

Tropical Focus maintains collaboration with Ministry departments

    - Ministry of Education

    - Childrens’ Department, Ministry of Home Affairs

    - Ministry of Trade – for value addition project, Kenya Industrial
       Research and Development Institute (KIRDI).

Our Partners


P. O. Box: 6443-40103. Kisumu, Kenya



Phone: +254 - (0)721 562 679